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Get Compensated For Preventable Slip and Fall Accidents

Building and real estate owners have a legal responsibility to manage, supervise and operate their property in a way that keeps others safe from harm. If a property owner’s negligence results in an injury, you may have grounds seek compensation through a premises liability claim.

Slip-and-fall accidents are among the most common incidents governed by Georgia premises liability law — all it takes is a wet floor, or an icy walkway, to take away your footing and cause you to fall. If you break a bone or need any other kind of medical attention, you should consider hiring a lawyer to help you claim compensation for your medical expenses.

If you need to speak with a personal injury lawyer, contact Phillips Carson & Phillips.

We Stand Up For Your Health And Your Legal Rights

Not every slip-and-fall accident counts as a premises liability issue. For a plaintiff to obtain compensation in a premises liability case, he or she must establish that his or her injuries were caused by a property owner’s negligence.

We are skilled at investigating the cause of accidents and identifying possible avenues of recovery. We understand that a property owner’s negligence may be established in many ways. If you were injured in a slip-and-fall accident, for instance, we will determine if the property owner failed to take adequate precautions to prevent your accident. Did the property owner fail to address wet or slippery floors, a loose stairway railing, and uncovered holes on his or her property or other dangerous property conditions that caused your slip-and-fall accident? We will ask these and other questions to raise a strong case for compensation on your behalf.

Get The Compensation You Deserve

To learn more about how the attorneys of Phillips Carson & Phillips can be of assistance, call our Savannah offices at 912-232-0081. You can also reach us through our online form.